
王教授有一儿一女,自己单独生活,老伴去世后,得到女儿、女婿的精心照顾,儿子、儿媳对他十分冷淡。王教授立了一份遗嘱,将自己购买、居住的楼房留给女儿,并作了公证。王教授去世后,姐弟为父亲的遗产争执,弟弟想法院起诉。 1:本案中弟弟提出诉讼请求的依据是什么?弟弟依据的是何种继承方式?(2分) 2:请你来当一回法官,你会做出什么样的判决并简单说明理由? (3分)7、阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 1.I rushed to the phone at the reception desk,  ____________________ (却被告知) there was no doctor available. (only) 2.___________________(要不了很久)the 29th Olympic Games are held in Beijing. (before) 3.Not until my brother came home __________________________(我的电脑才修好).(repair) 4.The development of technology _________________________(已使我们可能)to get in touch with each other more easily. (make) 5.What he said made me realize _______________________(我犯了多么愚蠢的错误). (what) 6.Though it was so late, I could still ___________________________________(听见那女孩朗读英语)in the next room. (hear, read) 7.______________________________(无论你多么努力), working towards a career that is not suitable to you is not going to get you there. (hard, try) 8.The committee consists of 20 members, _________________ (其中四分之一) are women. (quarter) 9.Though we are much better-off now, very few people can buy _______________(这么贵的一幢房子). (so, house) 10.But for the effective measures taken by the government during the snow disaster, we ______________ (就会遭受更大的损失了) . (suffer, loss) 评卷人 得分 二、选择题 (每空? 分,共? 分)
道德与法治 试题推荐