
 “ The only thing holding you back is yourself. Never say never”, said a rising 17-year-old singer, Justin Bieber, who was just an ordinary boy in Canada a few years ago. After the accident of falling from the 18th floor and lying in the snow for three hours, my hands were frozen and my spinal cord (脊髓)was seriously injured. All the doctors and professors in the famous hospitals in Beijing told me that there was little chance for my hands and my body to recover (康复). After half a year of medical treatments and recovering exercises , I could not make any more progress for over a 近年来,国务院先后出台了实施西部大开发战略,解决“三农”问题和下岗职工再就业问题,振兴东北老工业基地,促进中部崛起等举措,并提出了加快建设节约型社会的重大决策。这一系列的举措体现了①社会主义共同富裕的原则②解决“三农”问题是我们一切工作的中心③经济建设与保护资源环境协调发展的思想④用科学发展观统领社会主义经济的思想 A、①②③④ B、①②③ C、②③④ D、①③④
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