
1.    Young readers, more often than , find the novels Dickens more exciting than . 2.    People cannot feel , understand how he such a stupid mistake. 3.    Nowhere but in Europe the results , which really . 4.    The amount ofthe materials are to the quality of the products. 5.    I regret the work ; I everything carefully. 6.    The problem of unemployment governments want is as serious as in these countries. 7.    Many species can communicate an amount of information sound, information both the life of an individual and the existe(08烟台市高三诊断性测试)斯大林在1929年12月的一次讲话中说:“我们所以采取新经济政策,就是因为它为社会主义事业服务。当它不再为社会主义事业服务的时候,我们就把它抛开。”斯大林“抛开”新经济政策的做法是(    ) A.实行战时共产主义政策      B.确定和实施农业集体化的方针 C.颁布1936年宪法           D.通过社会主义工业化的总方针
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