
51. It might help you to stop and ___________ (strength) your resolve (坚决要做的事情). 52. First, you can become ___________ (physical) addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. 53. Anyone who has sex with a person infected ______ HIV/AIDS risks getting the virus. 54. _____ took me five days to solve the problem. 55. When you walk into the gallery, you feel as if you ________ inside a fragile, white seashell. 56. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and _________ (possess) as well as their activities and achie8.阅读材料,完成下列要求。1840-1894年间中国主要周边国家与欧美列强及日本建立条约关系情况项目国别建立条约关系的国家最后一次来华朝贡之年备注朝鲜日、美、英、德、意、俄、法、奥(依缔约顺序)1894年清政府首先劝导朝鲜与欧美缔约通商/各约均用汉文及中国年号,并照会声明朝鲜为“中国属邦”琉球美(1854)、法(1855)1862年琉球琉法条约使用汉文及中国年号越南法(1862/1874/1883/1884)1880年1884年沦为法国殖民地缅甸英(1826/1866)、法(1884)1875年自1824年起经过三次英缅战争,至1866年沦为英国殖民地根据材料并结合所学知识,拟定一个具体的论题,并就所拟论题进行简要阐述(要求:明确写出所拟论题,阐述须有史实依据)。
英语 试题推荐