
A man was looking for things of the old times. One day he came to a village and found a blue bowl. It looked very old. The bowl was on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. A farmer,the owner of the cat,was sitting beside the bowl. The man did not want the farmer to know that he was interested in the bowl. So he said to him in a soft voice,“What a nice cat you have! Will you sell it to me?” “How much will you give me for the cat?”the farmer asked. “Thirty dollars. Would that be enough?”Later,the farmer agreed. After he paid the farmer,the man said春天的奇迹||||阅读理解 春天的奇迹   ①年复一年,奇迹总是带着音响和香味从我身边经过,我爱着、祈求着这种奇迹却始终没有理解;现在,奇迹已在眼前,但我却没有看见它是如何来临的,我看不到幼芽的外衣如何裂开,看不到第一道温柔的泉水如何在阳光下微微颤动。   ②突然间,到处是一片繁花似锦,树上点缀着明晃晃的叶子,或者是一朵朵泡沫般的白花,鸟儿欢唱着在温暖的蓝天上划出一道美丽的弧形。(A)虽然我不曾亲眼目睹奇迹是如何来临的,但是奇迹确实已经变成了现实,枝叶繁茂的树林形成了拱形,远处的山峰在发出召唤。(B)去尽情享受新一年的春天吧!   ③我觉得,每一个新的春天总比上一个更为美丽,但是也总比上一个消逝得更为迅速。从前,我还是一个孩子时,那时的春天多么的漫长,简直是没有尽头!而今年的春天却多么的________;春天匆匆的脚步,让我追寻这瞬间的奇迹。 1.根据上下文判断,第③段横线上应填一个二字词,前后语句才连贯、对称。这个词应是:________。 2.第①段最后一个词“颤动”用得生动、传神。请联系“颤动”一词前的词语“第一道”、“温柔”、“阳光下”、“微微”,写出该词语运用的妙处。 ________________________________________________ 3.“到时候了,快快准备好靴子、行李袋、钓竿和船桨”,是从上文第②段中抽出的一个句子,表达了作者对“春天”到来的欣喜向往之情。请判断,它应放在第②段中(A)或(B)的哪一处?(  ) 4.文章为什么不用“春天”作题目,而加上“奇迹”二字作题目,请用简洁的话回答。 ________________________________________________
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