
交际运用;从A—J选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。 A: Excuse me, sir.    1  B: Yes. What can I do for you, young man? A: Our family would like to go to Shanghai for a visit. B: Good idea.   2   How long will you stay in Shanghai? A: We only have four days for this tour. B: There are many such tours .  3 A: Well, we’re going to visit some famous places such as the Oriental Pearl Tower(东方明珠), the Bund(外滩), the Jinmao Building ...... B: They are all places of great interest in Shanghai.  4 A: Well, we want to start next Monday. B: 下列各式中,计算错误的是(  ) A、0.203÷7=0.029B、203÷7=29C、2.03÷7=2.9
英语 试题推荐