
Sports are good for our health.     1     To make more students know their importance, a sports meeting for school students is held in China. It is the National School Games.    2    They are track and field (田径), swimming , basketball, volleyball, soccer, table tennis, badminton(羽毛球), Wushu, aerobics(健美操) and tennis. The National School Games are held every three years. The 12th meeting was in Shanghai in 2014.    3     More than 3,000 athletes took part in the meeting. They worked hard and many won the good places. This year is its 13th birthday. 下列化学用语使用正确的组合是(  ) A、Mg2+结构示意图:B、含18个中子的氯原子的核素符号: 1735ClC、NH4Cl的电子式:D、四氯化碳分子球棍模型:
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