
56. But there is a second, more ________ (猛烈的) theory about how planets form. 57. The sound of the car died away in the _________ (远方). 58. ________ (不像) my uncle, I likely like that bike. 59. He likes ________ (聊天) with me. 60. My ___________ (信念) is that our team will win. 61. The man in _________ (破布) is one of his relatives. 62. We import ________ (未经加工的) materials and energy. 63. He has __________ (寻找) answers to these and other questions for a long time. 64. Theory must be ______________ (结合) with practice. 65. Y ou can’t take photos22、盛过石灰水的试剂瓶,用完后瓶壁上附有白色物质,该物质的化学式是CaCO3,洗涤试剂瓶的方法是用盐酸来清洗.燃着的两支短蜡烛放在两个高低阶梯上,沿着烧杯内壁倾倒二氧化碳,观察到下层的蜡烛先熄灭,上层的蜡烛后熄灭..这说明二氧化碳的两个性质,即密度比空气密度大、二氧化碳本身不燃烧,也不支持燃烧..将一只充满二氧化碳气体的大试管,倒插入盛有澄清石灰水的烧杯里可观察到的现象是:试管内的液面上升、澄清石灰水变浑浊..
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