
Are We More Narcissistic Than Ever Before? Like the flower, narcissism(自恋)has continued to flourish in modern civilization, which has become such a part of culture. But narcissism in psychology is more than a single question can capture, which really has three types of narcissism. Problems arise when people discuss narcissism without identifying the form. Grandiose(浮夸)narcissism is the outgoing, extroverted(外向)form. The narcissistic individual believes he or she is smarter, better looking and more important than others. And, of course, he or she gets special treatment for th一件上衣降价10%后,顾客购买力大增,商家在此价格上立即提高了10%,现在的价格与最初的价格相比(  )A.提高了B.没有变化C.降低了
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