
Tom: Do you believe in UFOs? Daniel: Of course, they are out there. Tom: But I’ve never seen them. Daniel: Many people have. I have read several articles in the newspaper about different people 61.        (see) UFOs and aliens. Tom: They put those articles in the newspaper to attract peopled attention, just for fun. Dont take them too 62.         (serious). Daniel: Well, I didn’t believe those articles either, before I read an article in The Sun 63.        there was some interesting 64.         (evident). And you know what? I saw UFOs and aliens 65. 11.用东、西、南、北确定位置:用上、下、左、右表示物体之间的位置关系;可以用方向和距离确定位置,还可以用数对来表示位置.
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