
  Rats that eat high levels of a natural sugar known as fructose(果糖)seem to age faster than other rats-and the same could be true for people who eat too much sweet junk food, Israeli researchers said Monday.   Fructose, found naturally in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods ranging from soft drinks to yogurt.But while its sweet taste is popular, the sugar could cause wrinkles, the researchers said.Dr.Moshe Werman and Boaz Levi of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology fed large amounts of fructose to laboratory rats.Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, they       四川汶川发生强烈地震,学校号召全体师生向灾区人民献爱心,全体师生踊跃参加。下列募捐活动中你认为不适合的做法是 A、小王带来了妈妈刚给自己买的名牌服装 B、小亮买来了一大包化妆品 C、小刚捐献了自己积攒多年的零花钱 D、小芳交来了自己创作的鼓励灾区学生战胜困难自强不息的画和信
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