
71. I don’t like such kind of ______________ (幽默). 72. He was ill and ______________ (因此) could not come. 73. These samples help us grasp the ______________ (多样性) of life on the planet.74. It’s known that Abraham Lincoln is an ______________ (杰出的) leader. 75. The increase in the crime rate is ______________ (令人不安的). 76. She is s______________ to support a family on a very low income. 77. The company in Nanjing e______________ about 20,000 boxes of wine to the UK last year. 78. As we all know, football is played t______________ the world. 79. Jack  图2中ab为经线圈,cd为晨昏圈,M为经线圈与晨昏圈的交点,读图2,完成下面试题。  5.图中M点的地方时可能为   (    )   A.6时      D.9时      C.12时     D.18时  6.当图中M点的纬度达到一年中的最大值时,下列现象可信的是              (    )   A.我国东北冰雪开始消融,农民积极备耕   B.澳大利亚的农民正忙着收割小麦   C.长江流域防汛形势严峻   D.哈尔滨冰灯闪烁,人们正欢度春节
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