
综合阅读                     Cook with Friends November 8th, 4:00 pm at the Fire Hall November 15th, 6:00 pm at the House of huu-ay-aht Join the Yummy Club for a fun cooking experience. Play a part in making a cheap but healthy, friendly meal! It's free to join the club, but 20 people at most because of the space. We ask you to register (报名)by November 1st for the activity on November 8th. We must make sure there are enough ingredients (原料) for everyone. Call Catherine at 728-1220 to register for the activity on November 8th. Call Jeanne at 728-3692 to reg10.用500克黄豆可以榨出210克豆油.照这样计算,王大妈一家人9月份吃豆油4.2千克,相当于吃了黄豆多少千克?
英语 试题推荐