
中共十八届五中全会决定,坚持计划生育的基本国策,全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。对此,部分人大代表指出,下一步要修改完善相关法律法规,做好政策的衔接。卫计委相关负责人表示,下一步将加强生殖健康、妇幼健康、托儿所幼儿园等公共服务的供给。大力加强对存在特殊困难的计划生育家庭帮扶力度;大力加强计划生育基层基础工作,做好出生人口监测,确保全面两孩政策稳妥扎实有序实施。 运用《政治生活》知识分析材料中二完形填空Dear AndyI’m in London now. It’s the of England. I enjoy here except the food. I dislike English food. I miss dumplings and noodles. Of course I never missing you.Things here are quite different from those in China. Traffic in England goes on the of the road. And if you want to go side of a road, you can have many ways: a subway(地铁), a footbridge or a zebra crossing. And in some places, you can see black and white poles(杆). There is a button(键)on each of them. You can press the button to tell the you want to cross the road. They usually stop their cars to let you go.Taxis in London are really expensive, so if you come to London, you should have enough with you. Taxi drivers are usually . They are always ready to help you. And they must take exams they become taxi drivers.London also has the biggest underground system(系统) in the world. It’s to go the wrong way if you are not careful. YoursLi Bing1.A.town B.city C.capital D.country2.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing3.A.begin B.stop C.want D.start4.A.left B.middle C.right D.front5.A.another B.other C.the other D.others6.A.policemen B.drivers C.workers D.cars7.A.money B.time C.tip D.food8.A.clever B.smart C.friendly D.tired9.A.after B.until C.when D.before10.A.exciting B.hard C.important D.easy
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