
61.Sitting too long before the computer is h       to people's health. 62.C       your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt. 63.What p       us was how the accident could have happened. 64.The following reasons can a       for his refusing their offer. 65.Weather p       ,we'll go for an outing this weekend. 66.The children looked at the foreigners       (好奇). 67.If you are going to come,please tell me in       (提前). 68.Such       (行为)is common to young people. 69.He visited Paris and eventually    下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一句是 A.对于《雅思IELTS考试》人们已耳熟能详,如今一个全新的同样来自英国的职业外语水平测试——《博思BULATS考试》,也已由国家人事部考试中心推出。 B.她独自一个人在林间小路上走着、想着、感动着,几乎忘记了一切:已分不清天上浙浙沥沥飘洒着的是雨还是雪?也不知道自己脸上缓缓流淌着的是水还是泪? C.19岁的女大学生在《幸运52》节目中连续七次夺魁引起了媒体的好奇。有的请她讲:“如何多才多艺”;有的追问她:“怎样身兼数职”;还有的让她讲什么都行…… D.《新华字典》是我国第一部现代汉语规范字典,由我国著名的语言学家魏建功主持编纂。正因为是“大家编小书”,才使得一本小小的工具书历经数十年而不衰。
英语 试题推荐