
71. After his ____(退休), David stayed busy, running a dairy farm near Cincinnati for 20 years. 72. The price of the house is__________ (合理的) and I love its garden in particular. We can grow flowers and vegetables there. 73. What _________ (百分比) of the population in China are farmers? 74. Honggutan District and Donghu District are both the ___________ (商业的) heart of Nanchang City. 75. He made a new invention and applied for a _________(专利). 76. There were more than 50 a___________ for the job, but in the end only 10 were employed. 77. China is a s__________ cou读“地球绕日公转示意图”,完成下列问题。(1)在赤峰地区每年“寒来暑往,天气逐渐变冷”这一现象的产生与下列因素相关的正确组合是( )①是地球自转产生的②是地球公转产生的③此时太阳直射点正在向北回归线移动④此时太阳直射点正在向南回归线移动A.①④B.②④C.①③D.②③(2)从南极上空看,地球自转的方向是(顺或逆)时针;自转的周期是。(3)当地球运行至图中丙位置时,内蒙古自治区是(填节气名称),此时南极圈以内会出现现象。
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