
中华民族是一个具有悠久历史的大家庭。被后人尊崇为中华民族的人文初祖的是 A. 黄帝和蚩尤 B. 炎帝和黄帝 C. 炎帝和蚩尤 D. 尧和舜 答案:B【详解】 根据远古传说,炎帝和黄帝在涿鹿之战中打败蚩尤部落,此后炎帝和黄帝部落不断发展壮大,华夏族逐渐形成,因此炎帝和黄帝被尊奉为中华民族的人文始祖, B正确, AC 排除;尧和舜都是炎帝、黄帝之后黄河流域的部落联盟首领, D 排除。故选 B 。. 第II卷(一部分,共35分) 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子中的首字母或者汉语提示写出可以填入空白处的单词的正确形式,在答题卡将单词写出。 76. The cruel man shot his wife and __________(埋葬)the dead body in the backyard. 77. There are still quantities of stars we haven’t known in the __________(宇宙). 78. It’s no good using _______(暴力)to solve the problem. We’d better take effective measures. 79. With the __________(发展)of science and technology, people’s life is becoming more and more convenient. 80. The test measures students’ ____________(成绩,成就)in reading, spelling and writing. 81. Tom and I chat on the Internet very often, but only see each other very o__________. 82. Harbin No. 3 Middle School was f_________ in the year 1923. 83. Recently many earthquakes have s_________ some places in Asia and South America. 84. Lots of poor elder people in the mountains live in p_________. 85. A third of the worst accidents o____ in the home last year, and the rest happened on the roads.
历史 试题推荐