
  The loneliest chimp(黑猩猩)in the world just got the best surprise------a hug from a new friend.Ponso has been by himself for nearly three years,finding himself alone after his wife and children died on the island where they were abandoned by a medical testing company many years ago. For years a nearby villager named Germain has been Ponso’s only company,visiting him so often to bring bananas and bread—the chimp’s only source of food on the tiny island.It was clear how much Ponso missed companionship when he was recently visited by Chimpanzee Conservation Centre D16.下列说法错误的是(  )A.两个不接触的物体也会产生力的作用B.力的作用是相互的C.力的作用效果只能使物体运动状态发生改变D.压力、支持力等其实质就是弹力
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