
H.T.B.Arts Center FILM Tickets £2.50 / £ 1.50. Performances at 8 pm unless started otherwise. WILD AT HEART 127mins. Wen 6-Fri8 February Director: David Lynch Starring: Nicholas Cage, Laura Dern, Willam Dafoe. A first-class film. Cage and his girlfriend Dean are on the run through the dangerous Deep South. They are hiding from gunmen who have been hired to kill Cage by Dean's mother. Victims, yes—but they also have fun. It's wild at heart, strange on top. Funny, frightening and brilliant. DICK TRACY 113mins Mon 11-Sat16 February 6pm Tickets on sale 5-6 pm Director: Warren Beatty下列说法正确的是(  ) A、短周期元素形成离子后,最外层均达8电子稳定结构B、多电子原子中,在离核较近的区域运动的电子能量较低C、非金属元素组成的化合物中只有共价键D、HF、HCl、HBr、HI的热稳定性和还原性依次增强
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