
词汇运用;根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。 1. The famous host will show us an ______________ (最新的) invention later. 2. It is __________(或许) the best movie I have ever seen in my life. 3. China’s information ____________(技术) has been greatly improved in the past few years. 4. These days a mobile is an ___________ (工具) which is used in daily communication.在干燥多风的沙漠地区进行绿化,选择的最理想植物是( )A.根系发达、矮小丛生的灌木(如沙棘)B.根系发达、树冠高大的乔木(如杨树)C.根系浅小、地上部分较大的植物(如仙人掌)D.根系浅小、生长快速的大叶植物(如白菜)
英语 试题推荐