
As a very young child, I recall watching a children’s film titled, “The Little Drummer Boy.” The   41  story told about a   42  shepherd boy(牧童) who went to visit the Christ child on the day of his birth. When he arrived, the boy    43    that other visitors presented the    44    Jesus and his parents with gifts of gold and perfume, but the shepherd boy had no    45    because of being poor. The only   46   in the world the child had was a small handmade drum, and so, the little drummer boy gave the     47    gift he could give out of the 19.阅读语段,按要求完成下面的题目。    ①地球大气圈的存在,不仅保护了我们,还是生命得以发展和发生的重要条件。②        没有大气,就没有灿烂的云霞,更没有生命的喧嚣,而将是白天酷热,夜晚严寒,地下是一片荒凉,天上是黑洞洞的。(1)文中有两处语病,请修改。(2)请给第②句补上一个恰当的关联词语,并写在下面的横线上。
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