
足球以10m/s的速率飞来,又被运动员以10m/s的速率踢回,脚踢的时间为0.1秒,则此过程中足球的加速度为(规定初速度方向为正方向)( ) A.0       B.﹣200 m/s2      C.200 m/s2   D.﹣100 m/s2 答案:解:规定初速度方向为正方向,可知初速度为:v0=10m/s,末速度为:v=﹣10m/s,由加速度定义式可得: . 故B正确. 故选:B.补全对话A: do you get up?B: I get up at six the morning and I run. Then I get and have breakfast 7: 00. What about ?A: Me? I get up at nine o'clock.B: Nine o'clock?A: , I go to school in the afternoon.B: Well, do you usually do in the evening?A: I usually do homework in the evening.B: Me, too. I do my homework at 7: 00 and I TV at 9: 00.A: Oh, I don't. I go to early (早).
物理 试题推荐