
One Sunday,my family had gathered at my parents,house to feast upon Mom,s wonderful cooking. During the normal dinner chatter, I noticed that my father was slurring (说话含混)his words. No one mentioned this during dinner, but I felt compelled to discuss it with my mother afterward.  We decided that there was something seriously wrong and that Dad needed to see the doctor.  Mom phoned me two days later. “ The doctor found a brain tumor (肿瘤)• It,s too large at this point to operate. Maybe they can do something then,but the odds are long. ”  Even with the tre7. 在动物行为研究时,常用到“迷宫实验”。如果人走迷宫,可以在正确路口做标志,以便下次走得更快些。那么小白鼠会怎样呢?(1) 假设1:小白鼠有学习能力;  假设2:在迷宫的正确路口做标志,能提高小白鼠走迷宫的能力。(2) 探究过程:①设计如图所示迷宫。②将小白鼠分组编号,实验组正确路口放置彩色纸,对照组       。③将小白鼠逐一放人起点A. 并记录其到达终点B的时间。④把数据逐一记入表格 (单位:秒) : (3) 结论1:小白鼠       ;结论2:在迷宫的正确路口放置标志,       。
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