
       Jennifer was halfway down the stairs when she turned and took one last look at her room.   21   high school and going away to college was like the   22   pause at the ending of a chapter in a good book, and she was   23   to turn the page.        Jennifer went down the stairs to where her mother and father,   24   quiet, were waiting. She even felt a sense of guilt deep   25   her when she admitted to herself how longingly she had   26   getting away from her home and starting a new life in the college.        They went out through the 教育公平问题近来又引起人们的热议。有人指出:我国当前存在的种种教育不公平问题,既有历史的原因,也有现实的原因,既有世界各国普遍存在的问题,也有中国特有的问题。上述分析坚持了____的方法。①具体问题具体分析②两点论与重点论相统一③内因与外因相结合④共性与个性相统一A.①②③B.①②④C.②③D.①④
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