
BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Friday) (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government will enact(将……制成法律) more support policies to lift the country’s 70 million poor people above the poverty line by 2020, President Xi Jinping pledged(保证)on Friday ahead of the 23rd International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Addressing the Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing, Xi said China will work to fight the hard battle against poverty. In his speech, Xi drew on his personal experience in the 1960s working as a farmer in a small village in northwestern Shaanxi Province, wher 与四大发明促进了欧洲封建主义向资本主义的转变-样,儒家思想也曾在欧洲资产阶级革命时代备受启蒙思想家的推崇,他们主要是挖掘和改造了儒家思想中的 [  ] A. 富于人文精神的政治观 B. 主张渐进改良的历史观 C. 躬行有教无类的教育观 D. 强调贵贱有序的阶级观
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