
我国第一艘航空母舰“辽宁舰”于2012年9月正式交付海军使用。在近代中国人民反抗外来侵略的悲壮历史中,勇击日寇、殉国黄海的民族英雄是(    ) A、林则徐             B、 邓世昌               C、关天培              D、左宗棠 答案:BF Choose arid complete (选择合适的词组,完成歌谣) 10%a in the park b find the way c in our life (生活)d on the road e in our school Signs We need signs.We can see signs 。When we can't, They can tell us where to go and how to go.So signs are like (像......) policemen.We can see signs.They can tell us what to do and what not to do.So signs are like teachers.We can see signs。They can tell us what is safe and what is not safe.So signs are like park keepers.
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