
There is a boy in my gym class (I’ll call him Bill) who has unbearably yellow teeth that almost make everyone feel unpleasant. Recently another boy told Bill that he should “go Ajax” his teeth. Bill was crushed. Had the other boy been thinking, he would have realized that there is a better way to handle such a situation. He could have dealt with it with tact. He could have showed this hurtful truth in a more careful, sensitive way—that’s “tact”.If a person isn’t sensitive to another’s feelings, there is no way he or she can be tactful. Yesterday, my 5-year-old brother proudly下列关于名著知识及文学常识的表述,有误的一项是( )A. 我国古代的“文房四宝”指笔、墨、纸、砚。“一门三父子,都是大文豪。诗赋传千古,峨眉共比高”中的“三父子”是指苏洵、苏轼、苏辙。B. 林冲是《水浒传》中的人物,绰号“豹子头”,他武艺高强,但安分守己,懦弱隐忍,逆来顺受,因被高俅陷害,被一步步逼上梁山。鲁智深是林冲的结拜兄弟,他胆大心细,疾恶如仇,侠肝义胆,有勇有谋。C. 《昆虫记》一文,昆虫学家法布尔对昆虫的形态、习性、繁衍和死亡的描述,处处洋溢着对生命的尊重,对自然万物的赞美。D. 《西游记》中,朱紫国的王后被妖怪赛太岁掳去,妖怪的金刚镯厉害无比,让悟空费尽周折,最后还是观音菩萨出面带走了妖怪,悟空才救回王后娘娘。
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