
读“华北地区某城市P及其附近地区12月28日8时气温水平分布图”,完成下列问题。  (1)根据图中各点气温画出等温线。 (2)在图中画出锋面位置,判断锋面位置的依据是____。标出锋面的移动方向。 (3)P城此时受_______ (冷、暖)气团控制,其天气将怎样变化? 答案:(1)略 (2)锋面位置标在-3 ℃与-1 ℃之间,因为-3 ℃等温线与-1 ℃等温线之间温度变化最为剧烈,是两种不同气团的交界处,即锋面的位置。 解析: 此题考查绘图能力和对锋面天气的理解和分析能力。绘图时,要注意将P点周围绘成一封闭等温线,其余等温线则多为东北—西南向连接。等温线密用所给词适当形式填空【1】We’re so glad _______(hear) the good news.【2】It may be quite _______(wind) in Shanghai at this time of year.【3】Did you have trouble _______ (solve) the problem?【4】Winnie agrees _______ (dance) at the party.【5】What _______ (happen) to the little girl?【6】She had breakfast ______(quick) and then went to work.【7】______(run) is very tiring.【8】The red shirt is ________ (cheap) of the three shirts.【9】The room is ______(dry) than that one.【10】Pay attention to ______(spell) when you do your English homework.
地理 试题推荐