
阅读下面的文言文,完成后面习题。(本大题共3小题,每小题3分,共9分) 相州昼锦堂记 欧阳修 仕宦而至将相,富贵而归故乡。此人情之所荣,而今昔之所同也。 盖士方穷时,困厄闾里,庸人孺子,皆得易而悔之。若季子不礼其于其嫂,买臣见弃于其妻。一旦高年驷马,旗旄导前,而骑卒拥后,夹道之人,相与骈肩累迹,瞻望咨嗟;而所谓庸夫愚妇者,奔走骇汗,羞愧俯伏,以自悔罪于车尘马足之间。此一介之士,得志于当时,而意气之盛,昔人The sun is a star. It is a flaming ball of extremely    1    gases. The surface temperature is about 11,000 F., hot enough to turn every    2    to vapor (气体), but relatively cool compared to the strong heat at the    3   .     Located about 93 million miles    4    the earth, the sun has a diameter (直径) that is nearly equal to 109 of our ear ths    5    up like a row of beach balls, and a mass that is about 330 000 times the mass of the earth.     The sun is the original source of nearly all our    6   . It is mostly made of hydrogen (氢), 7    it also contains nearly every other kind of atom (原子 )that exists on the earth. The sun obtains its energy from a process of fusion (溶解) in which hydrogen atoms are changed into helium (氦) atoms    8    extreme heat and pressure. This process creates a great noise, but we cannot hear it because    9    does not travel through empty space.     Our sun is not even    10    large or bright compared to    11    stars. Stars vary in size from smaller than the earth to large enough to hold a good part of our solar system (太阳系)! The    12    of a star shows its temperature. A star may be red, yellow, white, or blue.     The nearest star is 4.3 light years from the earth. A light year is the    13    light travels in one year, or about    6    million miles. The    14    stars are billions of light years away. Some are    15    far away that if they were to blow up today, their light would continue to be seen from the earth    16    a million years! Our sun is part of a great galaxy (星系) of    30  billion stars called the Milky Way.    17  , there are billions of galaxies within    18    of our telescopes and countless billions beyond. The bigness of space quite __19  human comprehension. How exciting it is to live in an age    20    human beings have begun to explore that space.     1. A. cold               B. hot C. cool               D. warm     2. A. solid               B. water C. steam             D. air     3. A. surface             B. center C. middle              D. bottom     4. A. away              B. from C. far               D. within     5. A. lined               B. stood C. put               D. tied     6. A. food               B. things C. energy              D. lives     7. A. however           B. while C. although           D. even if     8. A. under             B. by C. of                D. with     9. A. explosion            B. noise C. voice              D. sound     10. A. very               B. relatively C. specially           D. especially     11. A. another             B. other C. others             D. the others     12. A. surface             B. bigness C. color              D. light     13. A. distance            B. space C. time               D. place     14. A. farthest             B. smallest C. biggest             D. nearest     15. A. too               B. such C. quite               D. so     16. A. for               B. with C. in                 D. by     17. A. But               B. Beside C. Nevertheless         D. In addition     18. A. distance            B. range C. time               D. space     19. A. beyond             B. outside C. out of             D. far from     20. A. where             B. when C. which             D. because  
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