
阅读短文,判断下列各题的正误。并在答题卡上将正确的涂A,错误的涂B。 Some popular places to visit are built by people. Other famous places are made by nature. For example, in the northeast of the United States, there was a famous rock on a high mountain that looked just like an old man. He had lots of hair, a big nose, and a beard(胡须). People called him “The Old Man of the Mountain” and every year more than a million people came to look at him. Scientists think that the stone face had been there for about 17,000 years. In May 2003, there was very 某地一辆满载浓硫酸的罐车翻倒,导致溶质质量分数为98%的浓硫酸20t泄漏,并向路基两边蔓延。接到报警后消防官兵立即赶来并用石灰浆(主要成分为氢氧化钙)中和硫酸解除了险情。请回答:(1)溶质质量分数为98%的浓硫酸20t中含H2SO4的质量是________。(2)计算要完全中和泄漏的98%的浓硫酸20t,理论上需要氢氧化钙的质量为_________。
英语 试题推荐