
       Bernice Gallego sat down one day this summer, as she does pretty much every day, and began listing items on eBay. She dug into a box and pulled out a baseball card. She stopped for a moment and admired the picture. “Red Stocking B. B. Club of cincinnati,” the card read, under the reddish brown color photo of 10 men with their socks pulled up to their knees.        As a collector and seller, it's her job to spot old items that might have value today.It's what Bernice, 72, and her husband, Al Gallego, 80, have been doing since 1974 at their California antique (古玩明朝特务机构设立的先后顺序是①锦衣卫 ②西厂 ③东厂 [     ]A、①②③B、③②①C、③①②D、①③②?
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