
下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(   ) A.墨西哥一家舞厅发生了一起有多人丧命的踩踏惨案,警方称,原因是由于夜总会老板故意制造恐慌和紧急出口处受阻引起的。 B“在别人贪婪的时候恐惧,在别人恐惧的时候贪婪。”“股神”沃伦·巴菲特这句投资格言一直被支持者奉为经典。时下动荡的全球金融市场,正验证这位亿万富翁的投资理念。 C.虽然无家可归的人数众多,但解放军和武警官兵的艰苦努力,使边远地区的灾民也全部得到毯子、衣服、帐下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项{A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出适合的小标题总结各段主题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Sports B. ClassesC. HomeworkD. TimetableE. A nice day F. LunchtimeMy name is Marieke Herz. I’m 13 years old. I'm studying at a middle school in a village called Hankensbuttel, Germany. Let me describe a typical day at school.1.On school days, I get up at 6: 30 am, and then go to school by bus. My first class starts at 8: 15 am. Each of our classes lasts for 45 minutes. We have some breaks that are either five or 15 minutes long, but our lunch break is 50 minutes. School usually finishes at 2: 20 p.m. after the lunch break.2.We have 14 subjects, including math, English, German, Latin, French, science, art, music, history, geography, sports and religion (宗教). My favorites are math and art, but if you have the right teacher, any subject can be great.3.Our lunch break starts at. 1: 30 pm. We can have lunch or take a nap. When you eat in the cafeteria (餐厅) you have different choices for what you can eat. Sometimes they offer meat or noodles, for example.4.My favorite after-school activity is tennis. I play tennis for seven years and I love it. It's a good way to relax.5.Every summer, we have Abi-UIk Day. On that day, students won't have any lessons, but will instead play on the playground. We can play games together and have fun for a whole school day.
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