
完形填空: During harvest time, two young brothers came to a rich farmer and said, “If you give us meals and   1   dollars, we will help you harvest corn.” “Five dollars is too much,” answered the farmer, “and I think two dollars is   2   .” “We must have five dollars,” said the two brothers. “If you can’t pay us, we will turn to someone    3  .” “But why do you need so    4   money?” asked the farmer. “We know a boy in a village from the Internet. He is ten years old. If he can pay five dollars, he can go to school.    5   his pare下列有关生命起游、与进化的叙述,错误的是 (    ) A.原始生命诞生的标志是原始新陈代谢和个体增殖 B.生物进化的最直接证据是同源器官的发现 C.模拟实验法为验证生命进化提供了可能 D.现代综合进化理论是在自然选择学说基础上形成的
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