
It is reported that many middle school students are just not getting enough sleep, especially during the school week. The problem seems to get worse as they get older. Grade 7 students sleep 8.4 hours a school night, and Grade 9 students only 6.9 hours. (3) It’s also reported that not getting enough sleep can cause problems in a student’s life. Many students fall asleep in school or while doing their homework, so it is not surprising that they get lower grades than those who get enough sleep. Scientists suggest nine hours a night for middle school students. Of the students who feel unh元丰六年十月十二日夜,解衣欲睡月色入户欣然起行念无与为乐者遂...|||| 阅读下面的文言文,完成1~5题。   【甲】元丰六年十月十二日夜,解衣欲睡月色入户欣然起行念无与为乐者遂至承天寺寻张怀民。怀民亦未寝,相与步于中庭,庭下如积水空明,水中藻、荇交横,盖竹柏影也。何夜无月?何处无竹柏?但少闲人如吾两人者耳。 ——苏轼《记承天寺夜游》   【乙】盖①余以八月之望②过洞庭,天无纤云,月白如昼。沙当洞庭青草之中,其高十仞,四环之水,近者犹数百里。余系船其下,尽却③童隶④而登焉。沙之色正黄⑤。与月相夺⑥;水如玉盘,沙如金积;光采激射,体寒目眩。阆风⑦、瑶台、广寒之宫,虽未尝身至其地,当亦如是而止⑧耳。     ——张孝祥《观月记》 【注】①盖:句首语气词。②八月之望:八月十五日;望,指夏历每月十五日。③尽却:全部退去。④童隶:书僮仆役。⑤正黄:纯黄。⑥与月相夺:和月光争辉。⑦阆(làng)风:传说是仙界昆仑山所谓“三山”之一。⑧如是而止:如此而已。 1、解释下列句子中加着重号的词。  (1)相与步于中庭            相与:___________   (2)但少闲人如吾两人者耳    但:_________ 2、给下面的句子加上标点符号。解 衣 欲 睡 月  色  入  户  欣  然  起  行 念 无 与 为 乐 者 遂 至 承 天 寺 寻 张 怀 民。 3、把下列句子翻译成现代汉语。(1)庭下如积水空明,水中藻、荇交横,盖竹柏影也。__________________________________________________(2)天无纤云,月白如昼。 __________________________________________________ 4、甲文中写景的内容可用4个字概括为:______________。5、甲、乙两文在写景的同时,都抒发了作者独特的感受。请你说说他们的感受有什么不同? __________________________________________________
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