
No other band has had the same influence in the world as the Beatles. Over eight years and with more than a dozen albums (专辑),four young men from Liverpool, England — John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star changed popular music and culture forever. People in the UK became crazy about the Beatles in late 1963. The phenomenon (现象) was called “Beatlemania” by the British press. The term referred to the young women seen screaming at the band’s concerts. Beatlemania came to North America in early 1964, and the band’s popularity spread across much of the wor【2016年中考青海西宁卷】下列句中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A.看到西宁市海湖新区鳞次栉比的高楼大厦,人们不禁赞叹:“西宁的变化太大了!”B.在改革发展的新时代,我们年轻人要怀着目空一切的豪情壮志,敢于迎接任何前所未有的挑战。C.据调查:在各种不文明行为中,市民对不遵守交通法规乱闯红灯的行为深恶痛疾。D.诵读经典对传承中华民族的优秀文化,提升学生修养,陶冶学生情操的作用是不容置疑的。
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