
在工业上用纯碱和石灰石为原料制备烧碱,主要流程如图所示: (1)在①﹣④四个过程中,发生了化合反应的是   (填序号). (2)烧碱溶液中含有少量Na2CO3,验证它所用的试剂和现象分别是             ,             。                       (3)在室温下,将53g质量分数为10%的Na2CO3溶液与1000g澄清石灰水充分混合,恰好完全反应.则这时所得反应后生成NaOH的质量是多少?(计算结果精确至0.1g)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Susan is a lovely girl. She likes animals. She has three kinds of pets(宠物): a cat, a parrot and some fish. The cat is white. It has a big mouth, two big eyes, two short ears and a small nose. It usually wakes up Susan in the morning. The green parrot is very clever(聪明的). It can talk. It usually says “Good night” to Susan before she goes to bed. The fish are very nice. They’re red, yellow and black. Susan likes to watch them after school.【1】Susan has two kinds of pets. (______)【2】The cat has a big mouth and two small eyes. (______)【3】The green parrot is very clever. (______)【4】The parrot often says “Hello” to Susan before she goes to bed. (______)【5】The fish are very beautiful. (______)
化学 试题推荐