
《南京大屠杀之虚构》出版后,日本右翼给予很高的评价,渡边升一在初版本的护封广告词中写道:“读了此书,如果今后有人仍然再提南京大屠杀,那就只能说他是煽动反日。”作者田中正明说:“记述历史有一大禁忌,就是绝对不能以传闻(口述)为证据撰写论文或记事。”对此你的看法是     ①传闻(口述)也是考证历史的有效证据之一,尽管其真实性不如实物证据强,但是决不可否认其价值的有效性②田中正明说这番话的目的是否认日本侵华的历根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)----Hello, Susan, why are you so late for work today?-----  小题1:   A man came up to me and pulled out a knife. He pointed it right at me.-----     小题2:     ---- I grabbed his knife, but he pushed me to the floor, took my handbag and ran away.----      小题3:  That’s so dangerous.-- -I don’t know. I just didn’t think at the time.----    小题4:   ---- They tried to help. Two men ran after the robber and caught him. The conductor called the police and the robber was taken to the police station.----    小题5:     ---- I will. Thank you.A.   What did you do?B.   They all ran away.C.   I’m busy these daysD.   Be careful next timeE.   What did the other passengers do?F.    How did you dare to grab his knife?G.   I had a terrible experience on the bus.
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