
   What do you remember about your childhood ? I have good memories of exploring the fields near my house and riding my bike around the park . Today , children don’t spend enough time in the fresh air . Many of them fix their eyes on a screen either on a computer , or a TV ---they seem to be living in a virtual world . They have lost touch with nature . Now 400 organizations in the UK are encouraging children to have some “wild time” . They want kids to exchange at least 30 minutes of watching TV or playing computer games for time playing outside . The simple pleasures of explo读《世界气温分布图》完成下列题目。(1)世界气温分布的基本规律是气温由 向 逐渐降低。(2)图中A、B、C、D四地中,按气温由高到低排列是 、 、 、 。造成C、D两地气温差异的主要因素是 ,造成B、C两地气温差异的主要因素是 。(3)A地气温比同纬度地区偏低,主要原因是 。(4)七大洲中,年平均气温最低的是 洲。(5)南半球与北半球相比,等温线比较平直的是 ,此现象是受 的影响,南半球海洋面积广阔造成的。
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