
One day in the early March of 2003, Pauline and Tom Nichter and their 11-year-old son, Jason, were shopping for a toy in Buena Park, CA. Suddenly, Pauline saw a wallet lying on the floor. When she looked inside, she found $200. The family, homeless and without work, knew that could change their lives. But they took the wallet to the nearby police station and turned it in. The wallet was found to have some other pockets, and more money in them-over $2,000! The police called the man who lost the wallet to pick it up. The man thanked the Nichters and shook their hands, but did not reward测定石块的密度需要进行如下的实验操作:①将石块用细线系好后放入量筒,慢慢没入水中并记下总的体积;②把游码放在标尺的零刻度线处,调节横梁上的螺母,使横梁平衡;③把天平放在水平桌面上;④将石块放在天平左盘中,在右盘中增减砝码并移动游码直至横梁平衡;⑤在量筒中倒入适量的水并记下水的体积.为保证测量的准确性,正确的操作顺序应是( )A.①②③④⑤B.③②④⑤①C.⑤①③②④D.③②⑤①④
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