
Paris has the Eiffel Tower; New York has the Statue of Liberty; and Brussels, the Manneken Piss. Think of the Belgian capital and, if anything, you think of the small peeing (撒尿) boy—a 60-meterhigh bronze figure standing on a block, supplying a constant stream of water to the basin under him. Some might laugh.But for Jacques Stroobants, the statue is up there with the best of them. “I’m proud of him.People come from all around the world to see him,” says 60-year-old Stroobants with a fatherly glance at the little boy. As the most famous landmark of Brussels, Manneken Pi拉丁美洲面积最大、人口最多的国家是(  )A. 墨西哥 B. 巴西 C. 委内瑞拉 D. 阿根廷
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