
He was_____weak_____ he couldn’t stand up.          A.such, that               B.so, that                         C.very, that                     D.so, as to 答案:B单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1.She is _______ (好奇) about space. 2.English _________(语法) is hard to learn. 3. ___________ (一般) speaking, going to bed early and getting up early does do much good to people's health. 4.Can you give me a              (描述)of the thief? 5.                 (有经验的)travelers prefer to make their own arrangements. 6.The _____________(重要性) of reading is known to all. 7.The wounded soldier is ___________(尖叫) with pain. 8. I will give it to her _____________(立刻) I saw her. 9.He looks _________(英俊) in his uniform, doesn’t he? 10. She often goes ________________(国外) on business.
英语 试题推荐