
Then why aren't you calm but trembling so much? The man with the gun asked angrily.       Because I thought you were the ticket-collector, and I haven't even got a ticket, said John. 36. John went down to the south ________. A. because he lost his job B. because it was said to be very easy to find a job there C. because he needed money badlyD. all of the above 37. John went to London __________.       A. by air   B. by car   C. by train       D. by ship 38. Which is true according to the passage?__________ A. John got on the train without a ticket. B. John went to下面是养殖专业户养鸡、鸭、鹅情况统计图。已知养的鸡比鸭多300只,养殖专业户养的鸡、鸭、鹅共多少只?
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