
19.研究发现,将同种果蝇分别在淀粉培养基和麦芽糖培养基上培养多代,果蝇仍倾向与在同类培养基上生活的个体交配。对该实验的分析不正确的是(   ) A.两类培养基为果蝇提供了不同的生存环境    B.这种交配偏好可视为一种选择作用 C.长期选择性交配可能使种群的基因频率产生差异 D.出现了选择性交配说明果蝇间已产生了生殖隔离单词拼写(共10分)76.The day when the Maori signed an agreement with the settlers is still c       as a national holiday.77.Susan decided to buy the d        necklace which cost a lot of money 78.Finally, the old couple m       to persuade their son to give up his foolish idea.79.The audience roared with laughter at the a        crosswalk show.80.In near future, we will have a v       of GM watermelons to choose from.81.Tom was born in Pairs and was       (受教育) in England.82.She raised a question and broke the        (沉默).83.Farmers are now busy sowing         (种子).84.We will go          (野营) the day after tomorrow.85.It is difficult to understand what he said, because he speaks English with a strong       (口音).
生物 试题推荐