
图甲是“探究冰的熔化特点”的实验装置,实验中冰的温度随吸热时间变化的图像如图乙所示. (1)将装有适量碎冰的烧杯直接放置在空气中,而不用酒精灯加热.这样不但能使烧杯均匀受热,而且冰的升温较    (选填“快”或“慢”),便于记录温度. (2)根据探究过程可知,冰熔化时的特点是:                            . (3) 分析图乙可以看出,该物质在固态时比液态时升温       (选填“快”或“慢”),原因是:  下列划线字注音完全正确的一项。(     )(3分)A.脑髓(suǐ)花圃(pǔ)骊( lí)歌倜傥(tìtǎnɡ)B.沮(jǔ)丧讪(sàn)笑菜畦(qí)鸡毛掸(dǎn)子C.嫉(jì)妒丑陋(lòu)蝉蜕(tuì)弥漫(mí)D.书塾(shú)环谒(yè)瞬(shùn)息收敛(lián)  Amy:  I like to take my vacations at home. But this summer, I want to do something different. I’m going sightseeing(观光). Next week I am leaving for Ottawa. I’m staying there for two weeks. Then I’m going to Alaska. I’m going to take many photos there. I can’t wait any longer.  Jay :  This summer vacation is coming. I’ll be very busy. I’m going to Europe(欧洲)to visit my cousins in Liverpool and my aunts in Naples. I plan to go to Rome, because I want to meet pen friend Jackson there.  Jarey: I think the best place for a summer vacation is the beach. I’m going to Hawaii on August 8. It has fantastic beaches and I like the sand, the sea and the sun, I am staying there for three weeks. There are many exciting things to do there.【小题1】Amy is going to _________ first for her summer vacation.A.AlaskaB.OttawaC.HawaiiD.Rome【小题2】Jay is going to Europe to _________ . A.visit his pen friendsB.go sightseeingC.take photosD.visit his relatives(亲戚)【小题3】Jay’s pen friend lives in _________ . A.LiverpoolB.NaplesC.RomeD.Warsaw【小题4】Jarey is going to stay in Hawaii for _________ . A.ten daysB.three weeksC.four weeksD.half a month【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true? A.Jay is going to take many photos during the summer vacation.B.Amy isn’t going to take vacation at home this summer.C.There are beautiful beaches in Hawaii.D.Jay’s aunts live in Naples.
物理 试题推荐