
    乌克兰是世界三大黑土分布区之一,黑土面积约占全国的三分之二,其北部地区与美国中部平原、中国东北地区并称为世界三大商品性玉米产地。下图是乌克兰简图。读图完成15~16题。 15、图中①②③④四地中,年降水量最多的是(       )   A.①  B.②   C.③  D.④ 16、与美国中部地区相比,乌克兰玉米种植的不利自然因素是(       )   A.光照    B.热量   C.水源   D.土壤 阅读   Schooling is compulsory for all English children from the age of 5 to 16.The academic year in England runs from September to July and is divided into 3 terms:   Autumn Term:   From the beginning of September to mid December.Also known as the Michaelmas Term(private sector).   Spring Term:   From the beginning of January to mid/late March(depending on the date of Easter).Also known as the Lent Term(private sector).   Summer Term:   From early/mid April to mid July.   Each term is divided by a one-week break called half term, usually at the end of October, mid-February and the end of May.   There are 2 parallel(平行的)school systems in England, the state sector and the private sector.   The State Sector   Schools in the state sector are financed(资助)by the government and administered through local education authorities, although many schools now manage their own finance and are known as Grant Maintained Schools.No financial contribution to a child’s education is required of parents.Broadly speaking, secondary education(from age 11 onwards)is comprehensive(综合性的)i.e.schools accept children of all academic levels, and are, in the main, co-educational.However there are still some grammar schools which select only the more academically gifted children on the basis of an examination and these tend to be single sex schools.All schools in the state sector are day schools.   The Private Sector   Schools in the private sector are known as independent or public schools.They rely for finance only on fees charged parents.The majority are boarding schools, although there are some independent day schools, particularly in the London area.Children live at school during term time, only returning home at half term and during the main holidays(Christmas, Easter and Summer).However children may also spend one or two weekends per term at home(or, in the case of children from overseas, with guardian families)-these weekend breaks are called exeats.Most schools have fixed dates for exeats, although some will allow children/parents to choose their own exeat weekends. (1) In all, U.K.school students don’t have to study at school for about ________. [  ] A. 30 days B. 50 days C. 45 days D. 65 days (2) Which of the following is NOT the difference between state schools and private schools? [  ] A. Finance. B. Day schools and boarding schools. C. Term time. D. Exeats. (3) What is the best title for this passage? [  ] A. Education System in UK B. The School Life in UK C. Day Schools or Boarding Schools? D. Comprehensive or Grammar Schools?
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