
1.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都正确的一项是(    ) ①汽车行业的竞争日趋激烈,国内市场已经趋于饱和,大部分厂商开始瞄准海外市场,奇瑞公司经过惨淡经营,2017年销量继续攀升。 ②今年春季,合肥城区的快餐零售额迭3. 68亿元,比去年同期小幅增长。但由于缺乏科学的营销策略,中式快餐销售仍然不温不火。 ③唐朝是诗的时代,但是唐人也非个个都擅长写诗,《全唐诗》中有的诗作就粗陋鄙薄,不忍卒读,虽然多数诗歌清新别致,In the United States,boys and girls start school when they are five years old.In some states(州)they must stay in school until they are sixteen.Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they graduate(毕业)from secondary school.another name for high school.Most children go to public elementary and secondary schools(公立小学和中学).The parents of public pupils do not have to pay for their children’s education(付学费)because taxes(税收)support the public schools.If a child goes to a private school(私立学校),his parents have to pay for the child’s education.Today about half of the high school students go on to colleges and universities(大学).Some colleges and universities receive money support from the government(政府).A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents live in that state.Private schools are expensive,however.Almost half of the college students in the USA work while studying.If a student’s family is not rich,he has to make money for part of his college expenses(费用).1.In American children_______ at the age of five.A.begin to studyB.start schoolC.graduate from elementary schoolsD.must stay in school all the day.2.High school is another way of saying______.A.elementary school B.secondary schoolC.Public school D.colleges and universities3.Children who go to public school________.A.must pay for their educationB.must study hardC.don’t have to payD.must study for ten years4._________support(s) some colleges and university.A.Some children’s parents B.Many teachersC.A few secondary schools D.The government5.In the USA almost half of the college students work while studying.This is because________.A.their families aren’t rich enoughB.they don’t want to depend on their parentsC.they are interested in workD.their parents don’t live in that state
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