
Ms X leaves home at 6:00 in the morning.She spends an hour and a half in the traffic and arrives at her workplace at 8:00.At lunchtime,she stands in a queue and in the end finds there are no sandwiches left! On the way home she is in the traffic again and arrives home tired at 7:00.There is just time to cook something simple,watch all hour of TV and then have an early night. Ms Y gets up at 7:00 and goes for a run or does some exercise.After breakfast,she sits down to work at 8:30 in the office at the top of her house.Halfway through the morning,site has a short bre请根据题意回答下列问题.[在下列(1)(2)两小题中任选一题回答,若两小题都回答,则以第(1)小题的答案来评定分数.](1)厨房中有两瓶失去标签的酱色液体,只知它们分别是酱油和食醋,请你利用家庭现有条件把它们区别开来(至少用两种方法).简要写出方法、现象和结论.(2)黄金饰品中的假货常常鱼目混珠,社会上有些不法分子时常以黄铜(锌、铜合金)冒充黄金进行诈骗活动.因为黄铜单纯从颜色、外形上看,与黄金极为相似,所以很难区分.请你用物理方法和化学方法分别设计一个实验方案鉴别真假黄金,简要写出方法、现象和结论.
英语 试题推荐