
地域文化具有封闭性特征,但是随着人口流动,它又具有向外的传播性,客家文化就是这方面的代表。客家先民在历次的大迁徙中,将中原文化融入岭南土著民族之中,形成独特的客家文化。这说明(   ) ①文化在交流传播中发展 ②人口迁徙是文化传播的重要途径 ③中原文化是先进文化而岭南文化是落后文化 ④客家文化的独特性表明它与其他文化没有共同之处 A.①②         B.②④         C.①③         D.③④2、1.He is fifteen, and is admitted to Peking University,       (也一样) his cousin sister.(so) 2.I have never dreamed of                   (会有这样的机会) to study abroad free.(there) 3.Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases                              (有些学生不能) to use the language properly.(fail) 4.                (随着时间的流逝), many occasions-birthdays, awards, graduations-were marked with Dad’s flowers.(as) 5.           (无论你说什么)makes no difference to me.I won’t change my mind to go to Shanghai Expo although it’s crowded there.(say) 6.So difficult            (我发现解决) the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.(work) 7.I supported him in time, otherwise he          (会摔下来) the bike.(fall) 8.By the time you come here, I             (已经去) Beijing.(go) 9.Tim, you’re looking for Mary? She             (肯定去了) to the library.(must) 10.It was not until she had arrived home           (她记起) the appointment with the doctor.(remember)
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