
John Was ten years old,and he is a lazy(懒的)boy.He didn't like doing any work.He has to go school of course.but he didn't study hard there and tried to do as little work as possible.His father and mother are both doctors and they hope that their son will become one too,when he grow up.But one dad Tom said to his mother,“I want to be a dustman when I finish school.”     “A dustman?” his mother asked.She was very surprised.” That's not a very pleasant job.Why do you want to become a dustman?”     “Because then I only have to work one day a week下图是我国甲、乙、丙三区域的农业景观图。读图回答下列问题。(1)图中三地的主要农业地域类型分别是:甲为_____ __、乙为____ ___、丙为___ ____。(2)甲地主要农业地域类型具有______ __、____ ___等特点。近年来,丙地大量的农田变成了花卉基地、无公害蔬菜基地、特种禽畜养殖场等,影响其农业结构变化的最主要的区位因素是______ __和农业科技。(3)简要分析乙地主要农业地域类型的形成条件。
英语 试题推荐