
Laura and her brother John were shopping. They saw this sign (标志). Bananas 5 kilos for $3.00. Buy some and enjoy their delicious flavour (滋味)! Looking at it, Laura laughed. “What’s funny?” asked John.“They didn’t spell ‘flavor’ right,” said Laura.“No. They used British English,” said John. “Both of them are right.”“What do you mean?” asked Laura.“American and British English are different,” said John.“What are the differences?” asked Laura.“One big difference between American and British English is the word. For example, pants are called trousers b 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。                痕迹         把每一个黎明看作生命的开始;         把每一个黄昏看作生命的小结。         让每一个这样短短的生命,         都能为自己留下一点儿可爱的事业的脚印,         和你心灵得到实质的痕迹。 在人的生命历程中,我们每个人都会留下自己的脚印和痕迹,只是这脚印和痕迹有的清晰,历经岁月而不蚀;有的模糊,不待日久而消失。那么,你的生命中有哪些记忆深刻的痕迹?又有些什么感悟呢? 请以“成长的痕迹”为题写一篇不少于800字记叙文。注意写出自己的真情实感。
英语 试题推荐